Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My wife is expecting in another 5 months. Is playing Scrabble online good for her / baby?

Actually I play a lot of Scrabble at Scrabulous - - and find it very relaxing after I come home. The people are so nice and there is always fun and humor in the lobby. And I simply love Scrabble.

My wife loves Scrabble too but hasn't played it online, so is there any harm if she tries a few games? Will it help her destress?|||Are you asking if the use of the computer will harm her? Not at all and just as you find it relaxing, she may also. Pregnancy is not a disease and any doctor will tell her that aside from having serious problems, she can do anything she did before. If she finds it too strenuous, then she should stop the activity, but otherwise, continue on as usual. I bowled with both pregnancies, and never had any problems. Best of luck to both of you and congrats on the new baby!|||Its totally ok, and it may enhance her memory. And at this point in pregnancy we could all use it. As long as she doesnt sit for too long.|||it's completely fine.|||no it wont harm her.|||why wouldnt it be fine?|||its fine

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